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Website Redesign / Update – Question

If you are thinking about redesigning your website, the make sure to have a look at your site stats and look at how you should be redesign the site. Many people think about new colours, a fresh look etc, but think bigger.

  • What are people looking for?
  • Are you getting enough pageviews?
  • Does your website have the information they want?
  • Is it easy to navigate?

Rethink your website totally

  • Is there a market for what your selling?
  • Can they get the information easier else where?
  • Will your service or product solve their problems?
  • Where is the traffic coming from?
  • Is the content effective?
  • Does the website lead the viewer on the journey to contact you?

No matter what your thinking about think about us for more professional advice!

Dave @ cadamedia .ie Tel: 053-9430748

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