"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

I know . . . . . I know . . It’s the end of August soon and we have to start to think about the up coming holidays. Holloween and of course Christmas. Have you thought about this for your website and online marketing campaigns yet…….hmmmm . . . . . NO . . . really . . . tut tut.

Ok so now you have been told, where do you start? Well think about where they will come when they get to the website, have you created a landing page? Once you have your page created now it’s time to think about the “deal” or “special offer” they will get once they get there. Think about the key words you want to use on this page in order to maximize the pages “stickyness”. Keep Track of your pages stats to see how well your campaign is going.

Well I’m telling you NOW. Get listed in the major search engines for christmas and start adding your holiday content soon.

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