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Websites for Recruitment Agencies

Wise Recruitment –
Recruitment Agency Based in Wexford

Visit : www.WiseRecruitment.com

Wise Recruitment are a newly established recruitment agency based in Gorey Co. Wexford. Run by Sue and Mark Kellett, this up and coming business is set to be the front runner in the South East for job placement. Helping companies to fill positions in one of the fastest growing regions in Ireland. Some of the categories of jobs currently on offer are: office and administration, call centre and customer support, sales and marketing, construction, industrial, financial and accounting, pharmaceuticals, information technology, technical & engineering.

We have completed a full range of services for this client including domain name registrations and protection of their online presence to a content management driven web site. Launched in November 2006 we wish Mark, Sue, Emma, Emer and the rest of the team at Wise Recruitment the best of luck in the future.

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  • Web site Design
  • Domain Registration and Domain Protection
  • Web Hosting
  • Training
  • Web Development
  • Content Management Software

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