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Advertising in Wexford and Guerilla marketing Campaigns

As the hard times kick in it’s interesting to see many businesses going back to flyer drops and junk mail going into our letter boxes. We noticed one restaurant in Gorey that is spending a fortune on flyer drops, door to door leaflet, an post leaflet drops, newspaper advertising etc

They have totally missed out on the internet, they have nothing online. They can’t be found online! Am I amazed . . . Yes and No, the owner of the business is “old school” and preferrs to use guerilla marketing campaigns.

Business is about trust and confidence and telling people who you are etc. People want to know more. Give it to them, educate them, let them have the info they want. Not being online nowadays is like hiding. Why would a business hide? See it only leads to questions and suspicion.

Business should look towards their target market and move with the times.

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