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Cheap Websites only €299 or less?

Websites for €299 . . . Really where can i sign up . . . What a great deal . . . or is it??

This is becoming a more and more common in the south east as we see website design businesses pop up in Google Advertising. They offer

  • Home Page,
  • 1 Year Web Hosting,
  • Your own web & email address,
  • Photo carousel,
  • Google optimisation,
  • Web site traffic reports,
  • Email marketing tools,
  • News and blog writer,
  • 1 Year maintenance contract,
  • Content management system.

I would like people to think about their business decisions and who they are putting their business on the line with. We have heard many tales of woe over the years. Each one of these bullet points has various levels so please make sure to research exactly what you are getting.

  • Is it a .ie registration?
  • Is is a .com registration?
  • Will they be there next year?
  • Is it registered in your or their name?
  • Where is it hosted?
  • What type of hosting package is it?
  • How many are hosted on the same server?
  • What is their support like?
  • Telephone support?
  • Email support?
  • Can you call to their office?
  • What site stats or reports do you get?
  • What does the “maintenance contract” entail?
  • How many pages do you get?
  • How is it optimised for search engines?
  • Is the fee an annually recurring charge

We have to hold our hands up and admit, we have tried ideas like this in the past and even thrown in 250 business cards to help the sale, but that was when we didn’t understand the complexity of what we were really getting into when putting a businesses reputation online. Branding their business on the internet.

The Internet is a serious marketing tool and I would recommend that people look at these so called “cheap website deals” and think about what it means to their business cause in the long run I know it will actually cost them more and not just in money terms, but their reputation.

Does it sound to good to be true? If so you know what to do . . .

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