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College Of Hairdressing – Social Networking

The College Of Hairdressing approached us to create a social networking marketing campaign for their business. They are an Irish company based in Galway supplying hairdressing courses, both part time and full time.

They wanted to bring their website and their skills to their audiance base. They understood that just having a website is great but how to you get to your target market online . We created a bompany Blog for them. This allows them to easily update a news style website in a easy to uses “What You See Is What you Get” or “WYSIWYG” format.

They still have their “brochure style” website with content management that is their official website but we have created a method for them to go to the areas where their potential clients are, such as Bebo, FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn for Example.

They now have relevent information on all these site to draw in viewers to their courses. All these site link back into their official website.They have also assigned a marketing member of staff to manage these site. This person has been asked to “get Involved” and “to engage” their audience.

We would like to wish the College of Hairdressing the best of luck with their new campaign.

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