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Website Design Tips

Here are a few tips when creating a website by yourself.

  1. Keep the Navigation easy and quick, people have a short attention span and if you make the site too complex the user will click “back” and you will have lost them.
  2. Don’t pack all your information onto the homepage, this is a common mistake with newbies, they try to get all the sites information onto the “first” page. But the point is the homepage doesn’t have to be the “first page”. Search engines will display the page they choose so it’s ok to spread out your information.
  3. Keep the colours “easy on the eye”, We get asked to make sites “purple and gold” as we are located in Wexford, However we decline the offer as otherwise the website could be thought of as being a GAA Sporting website. Easy colours will let your user read the information for longer.
  4. Spelling and Grammar, this is something that I myself often fall down on. There is always time to click on the “ABC” icon and spell check your site.
  5. Fast to Download, on a recent business tender I was reading today this was one of the major priority of the semi-state body. This is a real example of how broadband has not reached the 4 conors or Ireland. A site must download fast as not everyone is on broadband, so remember them ands design for them too.
  6. Not too many AdSense ads, if you are putting advertising on the site don’t pack it in as your users will just get peed off the leave, thus not even click on any of you well placed adverts !
  7. Content is King, remember the golden rule, Search Engines are now looking to return the most informative website they can so make sure your website content does exactly that. Give your audience good quality content.

That’s it for now, enjoy !

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