"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Michael D’Arcy TD – Goes Online!

We are delighted that our local Government Representative has chosen us to help get online. Michael had asked us a number of years ago to secure his domain name www.MichaelDarcy.ie for him. We registered his domain and had it parked till it was needed. Well now its ready to be used!

So we have created a blog/news style website that will give and his staff the ability to edit and amend the website from anywhere, any time. They can add images, movies, news events, links to sites of interest.

Using the Internet in this way will mean that Michael can (and will !) keep us, his constituents, both local and afar up to speed with his work in North Wexford.

Services carried out to date:

  • Domain Registration
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Marketing
  • Web Design

We wish Michael and his team the very best for the future.


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