"The Web is Everywhere,
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Self Catering Cottages in Wexford

bannowBannow Cottages in Wexford approached us in May 2009 to revamp their static 4 page website that had been there for a number of years. We applaud them in being one of the first in Wexford to have put together a web presence for their business.

However, time and technology moves on and they decided to talk to Cada Media Ltd after seeing some our work next door at their neighbours business, Shielbaggan Outdoor Education Centre www.ShielbagganOEC.com they called us to make an appointment. After our first meeting we decured the project and started work on putting the correct content that will suit their tarket market and suit the owners too.

Bannow is a small town in south Wexford and is in a ideallic sceanic position to get the most of the outdoors, this location we had to represent in the amount of activities that are close to the self catering cottages.

Services included:

  • Web Hosting
  • Website Design
  • Content Manangent System
  • Training
  • Consultancy

We would like to wish John the best of luck with the new website


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