"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Bloggers in Wexford

glasgorman-computer-serviceIt’s great to see more and more businesses seeing that open communication tools such as a Blog are a great method of getting in touch with your client base and more importantly your client base getting in touch with you.

Self Service is becoming the norm in supermarkets, petrol station and also the Internet. The means of putting the products or information and allowing the clients to come to it. This method of communication is a less intrusive way of getting your message or point across.

Glasgorman computer services is a local IT company understanding this very concept. Glasgorman specialise in supplying IT audits, Data Protection Audits, Network Design, Project management, Hardware and Software Selection, Preventative Maintenance, Training, Support, Remote Support to name a few.

We would like to wish John and his team the very best with their new Blog and hope to see them up there in Google with us soon.

To view the blog go to


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