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FAO Clients with Galleries

It has come to our attention that many of our clients with online galleries integrated onto their websites are uploading images without resizing them beforehand.
This incurs 2 negative effects.

  1. The user visiting the site has to wait longer for the images to load – which may result in the loss of a possible customer as their patience is tried.
  2. The space that your website takes up on our server is increased beyond the allowance relevant to your hosting pack.

Therefore Cada Media Ltd advise all of our clients who use images on their websites to resize their images to the following proportions.

  • Uploaded image filesizes to the internet should be around 35kb.
  • For large images into a gallery we recommend resizing to approx 600 pixels wide ( landscape layout) X auto height or 480 wide ( portrait layout) X auto height.
  • For images on a page ( content images) we recommend a general width of 180 pixels wide X auto height.
  • Google offer a free photo manipulation pack called picassa which is available to download here >>>

This will result in better viewing for the curtomer and less disc space useage for your website which means less bills for you.

everyones happy…

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