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Irish Health Directory Website

We are working on a new exciting directory for a existing client who wanted a directory for Ireland, but specifically a Health Directory. The website is still in Beta testing but they have asked us to go ahead and put the site live to start getting the name out there.

Get Listed.

The idea is not new, but the way we have structured the site should help get the site listed in search engines, I know they have a big hill to climb going up against the major players in the Irish health market, but this dedicated team has promise.

We have made the site to allow a user to get listed in a category of their choice or even two or three, then the user can enter a payment to get listed straight away.

Would would like to wish John & Clare and the team the very best with the new site and we will be keeping an eye on you guys to see how the stats and listings go.

Services provided:

  • Domain name registration
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Development
  • Website Design
  • Training
  • Ecommerce


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