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Basic Bookkeeping for a Small Business

Just a quick reminder that one of our colleagues in business is running a Basic Bookkeeping for a Small Business course starting this Month.

Geraldine Doyle from GD Accounts Training will be running a six week course you will learn:
» The basic structure in bookkeeping, keeping records & office procedure / filing.
» Setup of a business & record data in all relevant books of entry – Purchases book, cheques journal, sales invoice book, cash book, petty cash book.
» Learn how to manually prepare a Bank Reconciliation, Purchases / Creditors listing & control account, Sales / Debtors listing & control account, VAT 3 returns.

This course suitable for:

» Small to Medium sized business, retail or service industry
» Those who wish to learn & understand how to prepare books themselves.
» Those who wish to expand their knowledge.
» Those who wish to take control of their own affairs /accounts.

Find out more or Book Online Click here

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