"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Cada goes Quad Core.

We have upgraded our servers today to take advantage of Quad Core processing. This meant the downtime for 15 minutes during lunch time while our engineer Brian installed the 2 new Intell processors.

So what, I’m bored already!

Well if this news doesn’t float your boat or give you a tingle, it should because it does for us and our hosting customers. The internet is more that just a place to upload a brochure saying we are here. Its more that Facebook , Twitter or a place to save family photos.

Search engine giant Google have repeatedly said that they wish to see faster websites and that they are giving a priority to sites that are fast to download. If your website is on a slow hosting platform it may have a negative effect on your ranking, if you host that websites far away from your target market, lets say in the USA or Asia then retrieving that website will take longer again.

Speed is King.

New technologies in cloud computing means that websites can be more than just a “We are here” sign, they are the centre of many businesses communications, storage, booking and invoicing systems. All of these processes are migrating away from your PC and into the cloud. Is your cloud (or hosting server) capable to take that information and process it fast enough.

At Cada Media we understand and know what will be happening in 2 and 3 years time (despite the Mayan 2012 Prediction !) we do expect to still be here and know know that the businesses that have grasped mobile/cloud technologies will be here with us.

If you are looking for fast reliable cloud or web hosting then call myself  Dave Jordan to discuss your need.

Tel: 053 9430748

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