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Download Internet Explorer 9 !

Yes, its here Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9, the all new and improved and apparently faster version of their browser. As the competition heats up for browsers that have better compatibility for HTML 5 Microsoft have launched their latest version now.

Side effects will include the dropping of support for older versions of Internet Explorer and even dropping of support for its support for it running on older operating systems such as Windows XP!

So get yourself a fresh browser today and see how your or your competitors website looks in the new version 9. Even our own site is not displaying correctly in V9, so the old expression of “a plumbers taps always leaks” is demonstrated here as we must update our own site to function correctly, as soon as we finish updating the rest of our clients sites!

Tor those of you who have been using Google Chrome for a while now you will see a huge similarity !

Click on this link to download a copy of Internet Explorer 9 now

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