"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Night Courses Website

Train the Trainer !

When it comes to website design, training is a big part of our business as once a website is complete, the client then needs to know all the capabilities so that they can make changes and keep the site up to date. In this case it was a little different, this was an existing clients who wanted to upgrade their Joomla website to the latest version and in doing so also making the site mobile and tablet compatible.

The latest version of Joomla is 3.3 and so we set about working with them in upgrading their Joomla 1.5 to the new version and after that it was all about training and showing the client the new features of the latest version. These features include inbuilt tags, installer for plugins within the administrator area to name and a load of techy new features that will make sure the new version is secure from hackers etc.

The new site is fast to download, easy to navigate and pleasant on the eye. The stats are showing a significant increase in the sites viewing from PDA’s, iPhones, SamSung devices as well as the usual laptops and pc’s.

We are very happy with the results and training the trainers is always challenging and we were delighted to be asked. Great work from Fintan and Deirdre, well done guys.

Have a look at www.GoreyAdultEd.ie

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