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Google’s new search algorithm

Mobile Friendly Websites.

21st April 2015 is a special day and its one that is grabbing headlines everywhere and so it should, but if you haven’t heard about it, then keep reading !

Google announced in February that they will be changing their search results as a “Ranking Signal” meaning they will show results from sites that are mobile friendly and the ones that are not will be pushed further down the page or even onto page 2!

There is a certain panic among some forums as it is thought to be a “Total Reshuffle” and sites will lose their foothold. We are going to have to wait and see how sites move up and down. Mobile friendly sites according to Google will be referred when someone is making a search from a mobile device, so restaurants, hotels, attractions and tourism sites need to take note, people are searching for these when they are on the move. Normal desktop searches should being back the same results.

Test your website.


Google have an online tool to test your site, so you can check for yourself what they think of your website.

If you are effected or know anyone worried about the new changes, please give them our contact details and let them know we can help. Tel : 053 9430748

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