Dave Jordan started out working in the SGML publishing industry in the early 90’s. With companies such as the Sunday Business Post, The Sunday Tribune, The Leinster Leader, The Munster Express and Advertising Agencies such as Eason Advertising to name a few.
Moving forward using Mark Up Languages Dave blended his programming skills with the knowledge he learnd from the advertising and marketing industries he was involved with for the 7 years he worked in Dublin and the UK.
Spring 1999 “Dave Jordan & Associates” was established. Trading and locally known in Gorey, Co. Wexford as “The Web Guy“. Specializing in supplying website design, domain name registration, website hosting, training and Internet marketing services.
Over the next 5 years Dave has created websites and online solutions for hundreds of SME’s and Semi State bodies in Wexford, Waterford, Carlow, Wicklow, kilkenny and Dublin.
Spring 2004 we acquired our own hosting server allowing us to offer the very best in website hosting and Domain registration. Understanding the needs of the client is one of our best assets and this can be seen by our broad range of clients.
Expanding into other areas of business has allowed the company to grow and strengthens its placement in the market.
Spring 2005. We launched an online Internet directory for Gorey, Co. Wexford. The site allows users to add and amend a listing of their own into different categories on its search engine database. The site will help promote the town and its businesses and services. www.GoreyLinks.com
Summer 2005. We launched an online Internet directory for Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. This site allows users to add and amend a listing of their own into different categories on its search engine database. The site will help promote the town and its businesses and services. www.EnniscorthyLinks.com
Spring 2006. “Its Catching on ” so we launched another links style site for New Ross. www.NewRossLinks.com
Summer 2006. Yes we did it again. This one is for Wexford town and is called www.Wexford-Links.com
Autumn 2006 Roz Kelly joined the team as one of our “designers” and has brought a fresh approach to our services and we are delighted to have her experience and expertise on board.
Spring 2007 has been a year of Search Engines and Optimisation / Web Marketing, An area that we have always kept up to date with as many of our clients need to stay on top of major search engines to keep their company profile amongst a more competitive online presence. It has developed into a complex long term strategy rather than a quick Pay Par Click “get on top” method.
Autumn 2007 meant further expansion and a larger office for support staff as the client base has grown to over 400 plus. With this new office in ROSC House, it means that clients now have greater confidence in knowing that they have the “support” their businesses need..
Spring 2008 We continue to expand on the opportunities, ideas and developments in the industry. With the advent of new technologies “The Internet” is no longer restricted to pc’s on desks and now can be found on all sorts of mobile devices such as Mobile Phones and Sat Nav’s etc. As a business we have evolved into a team of qualified digital media professionals, specialising in all types of online, on-device solutions.
Therefore we are now trading as Cada Media Ltd, thus encapsulating the move towards every kind of digital media and marketing. “Cada” comes from Spanish meaning “Every” and “Media” because “The Internet” is everywhere and on many types of devices.
Summer 2008 We team up with MountainBiking.ie to develop and market Ireland as a destination for biking off-road in Ireland. Our task is to make the website the No 1 site for all mountain biking in Ireland. The site is at www.MountainBiking.ie
Autumn 2008, We have decided to it’s time to dot the i’s and cross the t’s on our own website. Like many website designer we chat to, we also spend our time working on other peoples sites and never get time to work on our own site. We have revamped our site and look forward to seeing how it is received.
Spring 2009, New offices, Same Address? We have jumped on the opportunity to get a larger office in Gorey. As other companies decided downsize we leapt at the chance of getting a bigger office, but all with in the same building. We have moved . . .10 feet and are now in a bigger, brighter, larger office in ROSC House.
Summer 2009, Recession is really kicking in as we see more and more businesses starting to get on-line now. Looks like it’s going to be another busy summer here in Cada Media Ltd. Thankfully we took holidays early in May of this year.
Autumn 2009, Time to revamp our out dated Links sites, as it turns out they are more popular than we thought and so we are working on a new version of Gorey’s Business Directory We welcome on board Sinead in accounts who will be looking after all our book keeping and number crunching!
Spring 2010, Administration is now the area being taking care of by Sara Cullen, formally of the Gorey Chamber of Commerce, Sara brings her experience in office admin to get our customer care and admin up to speed.
Summer 2010, Cada Media moves their business online and took advantage of Cloud Computing. We provide this service to our clients and so in Summer we put ourselves online, using the website to hold our Contact, document storage, project management software and we have never looked back. Integrated into mobile Apps on iphone and Google Android phones, We are now mobile.
Roz Kelly, one of our website designers left to pursue her dream of working for herself. Roz joined us fresh out of a FAS Website Design course in February 2007 and has worked in various roles in the business. In Summer 2010 she decided that her own website she has run for the past 3 years called www.TheWicklowWay.ie was ready to be run as a full time business. Roz also runs various businesses online including: The http://www.wicklowway.ie/ and online news portal for Wicklow and http://www.thewicklowway.com/ a business listings directory. We would like wish Roz the best of luck in the future and hope she makes a success of all her ventures.
Autumn 2010, We launched our new service called SpamFilters.ie and yes it does exactly what it says, it removes spam from your emails and gives you pure clean emails. We are now working with several resellers around Ireland and our filters allow businesses get back to work and concentrate on their own business.
Spring 2011, We have teamed up with a number of broadcast & print media partners to help push our web clients brand in other mediums. These special offers will be offered to all our customers. A website needs fuel, so either the clients pushes the site with good quality content or they promote it more. We have all options available.
Summer 2011, This summer has lead to an increased demand for companies needing in-house expertise in SEO and the proper use of content management systems. We have been now booked for weekly visits to a number of clients.
Autumn 2011, with the reliance on the hosted services more these days, we just stepped up to the mark and created an online secure backup solutions for our own customers and are re-sellers alike. The solution is based in Dublin and Germany. The solution is easy to install and runs on any desktop pc. This solution is also suitable for website designers as it backs up websites too !
Spring 2012, This is the year of online sales and after many years of setting these up for companies we finally jumped in and set ourselves up with an online accounting solution that will allow our customers to manage their accounts with us online. It’s a billing, support and sales system all in one. Allowing us more time to deal with the real work and less time on admin and accounts. http://billing.cadamedia.ie for details.
Summer 2012, This summer we have successfully migrated 3 key parts of the business into the Cloud, Phones, Files and finances, thus making us a 100% Cloud Computing business. The ability and security of now storing all our clients information in a Data Centre in Dublin, gives us great peace of mind and comfort in knowing that everything is backed up and protected.
Autumn 2012, Being believers in “practice what you preach” we decided to prove that technology does work to in your favour if your use it correctly so we started working remotely from our home offices. As all services are accessible from any location we started to visit our clients and see their business in real life as before this we never met most of them in person!
Spring 2013, Visiting our clients at their place of work turns out to be an interesting one as many of them are not tied to one location either. They too have moved with the times and looked at their own businesses and evaluated the need to be location specific. Being mobile and Mobile Computing is taking off.
Summer 2013, Mobile compatibility is prevalent on the majority of clients website stats. The use of mobile phones to access emails, website and social media rises to over 70% of clients. Upgrading customers site and services to follow this trend is now key for the business and clients alike.
Autumn 2013, Meeting our clients and seeing how they are coping with the changes of technology has created a new service that we are now offering. Many are finding it difficult to keep ahead of their competitors with the various methods of promoting themselves online so we have now taken on a number of contracts to work directly with them on a weekly bases to maximise their spend and get a better bang for their buck.
Spring 2014, Upgrading the hosting platform for our clients to the latest technology and internet speeds. Brand new super fast servers allows us to deliver our clients sites fast and keep ahead of our competitors on slower outdated machines !
Summer 2014, Quotes, Quotes and more quotes and orders coming into the business !
Autumn 2014, The economy is showing a great improvement and its apparent with businesses in the development of their internet usage. Cloud Computing is now a standard part of infrastructure with phones using VOIP and backups being online. Delighted to be part of the Internet World!
Spring 2015, Google Announces that Mobile compatibility is now essential for websites that need to be ranked well on searches made on mobile devices. Upgrade time everyone !
Autumn 2015, We are seeing a growth in the data traffic on the servers and its turning into more business for our hosted clients. Their inquiries are up and in turn business confidence is increasing.
Summer 2015, Our client portal gets an update after being online for 4 years now and the latest version is super fast and lots of extra features. With 97% of our transactions for sales and support now online, its helps our clients keep up to date with their services and support tickets. http://billing.cadamedia.ie
Spring 2016, A dramatic increase in new inquiries and a sense of getting online is now the first action for people starting a new business here in Wexford. We are delighted to be here helping so many new businesses start out and get online.
Autumn 2016, I got married !!
Spring 2017, Isabella was born, you do the maths !!!
Summer 2017, The internet continues to grow and we are working on upgrading existing websites for our clients as well as welcoming new clients to the Cada Media family. Our managed care packages are a popular service to make sure that you always get priority support.
Spring 2018, Thomas is born !!
Spring 2019, New office as we move into The Hatch Lab in Gorey, a shared office space for start ups, but John was good enough to allow us in as we are getting busier and expansion in on the cards.
Summer 2019, Gorey Awards Ltd is setup to showcase the business and people of the North Wexford area. See www.goreyawards.com for more
2020 – 2022 COVID Changed the world and the way we use the Internet.
2023 – Back to the new “normal” but now more businesses understand the importance of using the web as part of their business strategy. Its no long an added option, its a key focus ! ( I told ye its wasnt a phase!!)
Spring 2024 – Happy to take the Chair for the Gorey Business Network and lead the 14 plus team onwards and upwards, Check our www.GoreyBusinessNetwork.com for more
Autumn 2024 – Grow Digital Voucher announced from the Local Enterprise Boards in Ireland covering many services that we offer to clients as part of our packages to help grow their business online.
Spring 2025 – The new year bring a wave of new inquiries and we are working hard updating existing clients sites as well as working with new clients to bring their dreams to life and show them how to embrace AI in 2025!
Cada Media Ltd
Co. Wexford.
Tel: +353 53 9430748