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How to get to the top of Google?

black samsung tablet display google browser on screen

Google’s listing, How do they work? We have had a number of inquiries from companies this week asking us to help them get on top of Google.  It’s interesting to see how the “recession in the building trade” has pushed into many other aspects of life in Ireland. One inquiry today asked if we could […]

Think about who is your Target Market?

When you are looking at your site hits and pageviews etc and wondering about where to generate more traffic for your site make sure to think about who your target market is and where are they? If the people you are reacing for are in the UK or Germany then start to think about the […]

New Irish Search Engine – www.Cuil.com

http://www.cuil.com/ New Irish search Engine is launched, Packed with features (http://www.cuil.com/info/features/) This new website hopes to take on the big boys of Google and Yahoo.  Exciting times as they guys from Ex-google engineers and developers (http://www.cuil.com/info/management/), so I think they are gonne put a new spin on search engines and they way they return and […]