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Annual Support Packs V’s Annual Renewal Fees

There are annual support packages that you can get from your web company and there are annual renewal fees, so what’s the difference?

Annual Support Packages

These can be support contract agreements between two companies whereby one company agrees to manage and update a website for a business. These ammendments can be small text and images changes to telephone support for email questions and spam questions etc. Support Packs can also be in the form of web marketing whereby the company agree to help market and promote one company on the Internet in search engines and portals etc.

Annual Renewal Fees

These are fee that a company pay their Internet provider for the provision of a domain name and a hosting package. This is your .ie or your .com or both. As domains are registered on a yearly basis this means you can expect to be billed for this server every year. Some companies choose to offer multi year registration and can register your domain names for a number of years at a time.

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