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Irish Domain Name disputes

Again and again we advise our clients and business owners that they should register their domain name to secure their online identity. Registering your Business Name with the Companies office is not good enough.

That only means that you intent to trade or might trade using that name. It also allows you to therefore now register the actual irish domain name. So now you contact us to register the actual www.your-name.ie

Many companies are under the impression that once they have register at the CRO that that’s it !!!

Sounds laughable but is actually very serious as it often leads to law suits and court cases. They are either misimformed by so called “Internet Expert” (nowadays that’s anyone with a bebo page!) or they are just not up so date with business today.

If you are thinking about setting up a business or a website for your business give us a call to get all the options available to you.

Call Dave Jordan on 053-9430748

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