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Email Spam on the increase

We have noticed an increase in the volume of spam email coming into our mail server and especially from Polish and Russian origins. There are many ways of keeping out spam email from your inbox:

1, Remove links on website with your email, these spammers “harvest” email addresses they find on websites
2, Insert your email in another format, example dave[at]cadamedia dot ie
3, Update your Email program, ie Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc. They have filters too, although somewhat basic.
4, Purchase a full email filter solution for your company with the following features:

* Blocks undesired email prior to it arriving in the inbox.
* Anti-spam
* Online Control panel
* Multiple anti-virus engines – updated hourly
* Content checks (adult material removed)
* Realtime blacklist checks
* Whitelists (good sites)
* Blacklists (bad sites)
* Advanced anti-phishing tests

The price is €249 plus Vat at 21% per annum. (RRP €325), This is available to all email addresses on your domain name yourdomain.ie

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