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Intro Flash page with music. . . .

We had an inquiry today (you know you are “T”!) asking for a website with an into page with flash animation and maybe some soft music. This is available to everyone but I had to steer the conversation around to a few questions that soon answered if she really wanted a flash intro page with soft music etc

  • Who are you target market?
    • How old are they?
    • Men or women?
    • Irish?
    • European?
    • USA?
  • What is the website for?
    • Information
    • Sales Leads
  • What time are they online?
    • Mostly evening
    • online in work

The list of questions goes on and on, but our answer is, why are you putting another hurdle in front of someone who has been looking for your services or products.

Get to the point and give them the info, they will appreciate it and use your business!

Have a good weekend



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