"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Advertising in Newspapers

Just to let people know that when you are running advert in a newspaper, please remember to insert your web address. I know many people often forget as they themselves are not web users, but many of your customers might be. If your advert is about a special offer for example also make sure that the special offer in updated on your website too.

I saw a large front page advert this week in a local regional newspaper here in Gorey and I noticed that it was one of our clients. The reason I say this is because later in the year I will be reviewing a website with the client and asking about what traditional marketing methods they used to promote their business online. It’s then they can let me know that they put the website on answering machines, office stationary, vehicle signage etc.

I know, I know, I’m turning into an old Fart!

Have a good Bank Holiday Everyone.

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