"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

How to set up a website for your business?

Simple answer is call us!

Otherwise you can register a domain name yourself, (remember to choose a name that is suitable), set up the web hosting pack  (remember to choose a hosting pack that is suitable), then create a web site for your company inserting the content (remember to design the site so that is correct for your needs).

Website Design is Easy !

Especially when companies are offering online tools to help you create the website yourself. Yes you do get a “Website”. But remember there are websites and there are websites. I was giving another talk today to a group of business people and one guy there had heard me give a similar talk before and it was interesting to see his reaction. He knew we did websites, but he didn’t dee the difference between us and a Transition year students style of website. . . . .

Whats is the difference I asked myself and the answer is Experience, It lead me to think about his own business and that we usually think about of companies who cut corners as being dodgy and so I googled his company and eventually found the “Webpage” I then browsed and could only wonder about what others corners they cut in the production of their products and the service they provide.

Hmm. .  whats that’s expression about First Impressions. . . .

Call Dave on 053 9430748 to set up a professional website for your business.

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