"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

There is no Reccession On-line!

We had a meeting today with a great client of ours who operates one of Ireland’s best on-line Wedding Gifts Websites All About Weddings was set up a few years ago when two like minded sisters who love weddings decided to set up an online shop for wedding gifts.

Now a well established, successful business All About Wedding came into us to talk about expansion and growing the website further, by making new changes and additions to the website.

Recession me arse !

Without giving too many details away the girls sales will continue to grow at a sharp incline in 2009 and 2010.  Sales are on a daily basis and they are one of the many successful online business in Ireland that will be helping the online sales figures keep growing

Irish Online Transactions at €14,000,000 per day !

Different bodies publish figures each month, but it is estimated that online transactions in Ireland are now over the 14 million per day mark, thus the scramble to the market of companies wanting to get a piece of that every growing pie. New transaction companies such as WorldNet TPS in Dun Laoghaire and SagePay are a few who are trying to get into the market that Realex Payments have dominated in for so long.

Our favourites would be John in WorldNet TPS.

For all your weddings favours and wedding gifts check out http://shop.allaboutweddings.ie/

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