"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Business Advice in Wexford

We have had many hits on our websites by people looking to get through this year and make it to next year in good financial condition. Many are looking at ways of cutting costs in running their businesses. Cost cutting could take many routes including

  • Cutting Advertising Costs
  • Cutting Marketing Costs
  • Cutting Rent Costs
  • Cutting Staff Costs
  • Cutting Overheads

No matter which method you are deploying the end result will be the same, to same money in their economic climate.  Companies when I am talking to them assume that the Web for instance either costs them about €199 euro for a website or maybe €20,000 as they have heard of websites that only start at around the €15,000 mark ! Most start up business should be spending at least €1,600 as it’s not just about getting “a page” up there, it’s about getting a good website and getting in found in Google ( especially in Ireland).

  • Using the Internet to cut the costs of running a business can take the following forms
  • Using IP Telephones
  • Using Direct Inward Dialing
  • Using Emails instead of letters
  • Using PDF document
  • Using Open Office instead of Microsoft Office

For more about how to save money and yes, let me say it grow Sales in a recession call us today on 053 9430748

The Web Is Everywhere, Be Part of It!

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