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Our Servers will be upgraded . .

Due to continued growth in an extraordinary year, we are happy to be in a position of having to upgrade our hosting servers to keep up with the demand for high quality web hosting in Ireland. Our new servers continue to be managed by Blacknight Internet Solutions based in Carlow. These guys are the ones we call upon in cases where we physically need to be at the server, they are our hands and eyes at the data centre.

The web hosting server is used to display your websites to the public, open 24/7 the new web hosting machine has 2 xTera byte RAID 2 drives, giving us ample space for expansion. This particular server also has 4 Gig of ram allowing more and more open sessions to run similitaniously.

The switch over to the new machines will take place on Tuesday or Wednesday night. We will let you know when it’s going to take place. There will have to be a downtime of about 1 hour while this happens, all emails will be qued while this is happening and will be delivered once this switch happens.

Any questions give me a call, Dave Jordan 053 9430748

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