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Redesigning a website?

We get a number of calls this time of year asking can we look after getting a website redesigned. We of course are delighted of the opportunity to demonstrate of ability to take what maybe be an outdated in terms of looks, but also in modern capabilities. Some site we come cross are HTML and need to be updated by contacting the original website designer or by the clients themselves delving into editing HTML and uploading the site via FTP access etc.

Those types of site are fine and did server their purpose, but technology has moved on in leaps and bounds and customers should be getting alot more for their buck these days. Today I called out to a new client in Wicklow to discuss their needs in revamping their website. After sitting in traffic for an hour I was really starting to appreciate the Internet in being able to place you anywhere in the world in seconds and not having to repeatedly ring someone to say their are roadworks on the N11 and you’ll be a tad late!

I digress, anyway, when finally I find the address and introductions are complete we get stuck into the details of what they are looking for and the conversation goes from colours, layouts, content management to target markets and “hits” and its this “hits” I always find interesting that 95% oc companies we meet have no idea now many people actually view their site. Either they don’t know that you can see statistical data about your site traffic or they forget about it.

Website Stats are Vital

When we start a new campaign for a client I always want to see what we are workign with first before we demolish and have to reinvest the wheel. Site Stats will let me know the following

  • How often the site is viewed
  • How many people viewed a page
  • What Keywords brought them there.
  • Where they viewed the site from
  • What County
  • what Country
  • what time they viewed it
  • How long they viewed each page

This type of data is turned into information if your understand what to look for and is very important for revamping the website and organizing the structure of your new site.

Moral of the story. Read you site stats, We do!

For more on redesigning your website and getting the most of of your site, call Dave Jordan on 053 9430748 today.

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