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Eircom DNS

We have been approached by a local business to revamp their website and bring it up to new modern standards as well as making it content managed by the owners, so we set about the usual investigations to find where the domain was registered and where it is hosted etc.

Eircom business have the account, so we telephoned them and after being given various numbers and talking to different people we finally get the right person on the phone. He then tells me they have no “control panel” to administer the domain name or the hosting pack the customer has bought and that all changes are to be emailed in.

I told him i would have to host it ourselves and he said ok, email in to “dnsrequest@eircom.net” so we contact the client and inform him that he must email them directly as he is the registered owner. sound advice and normal, great.

He then emails then the new name servers we need so we can host the site for him and he get this email back

***********names removed************

Dear customer,

Eircom hosting policy doesn’t allow the change of name servers to avoid
future problems and as it acts as delegation of DNS records.
If you still require to do so you will need to transfer the domain name
registration to new hosting provider by calling sales on 1800 203403
Otherwise send us exact DNS records values like www A, CNAME, mx etc and
those can be implemented no problem.

Kind Regards,
name here,


So if you have your domain name and are hosted with eircom and would like to choose another hosting provider, be aware that this goes against their hosting policy.

For helpful hosting call Cada Media in Wexford today on 053 9430748

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