"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Is revamping a website is worth while?

We get asked from time to time is it worth while revamping a website as people feel they already have a site for their business and it’s ok. But in this day and age of where people assume that if your website still has news from two years ago that you are actually gone bust!

Yes, dated websites are doing you no favours when you are trying to get business on-line. Revamp rev up and redesign your site. Talking to people this week they asked me again if there were many people using the internet in Ireland which we have talked about before. One site we operate gets about 7,000 unique page views each month. Now if that was a shop selling fancy dress costumes or Yankie Candles or something specific like that you have to think of that in terms of foot fall.

How many people come into your shop each month? 7,000? not in Gorey in the sunny South East, but on-line they do and each visit is an opportunity to get a sale.

So when someones is wondering if they should revamp their website, you can already guess what my answer is.

Yes, let your visitors know you are still open for business and always ready to receive and inquiry.

We are currently working on a number of revamp designs for clients and bringing their website up to date in terms of look and feel but also to newer, better web standards that people expect these days.

Call us today to schedule your website revamp for 2010, Call Dave on 053 9430748

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