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Print V Digital, Who Will Win?

It was reported online today ( 10 December 09) that one of the oldest Journals in the States is going to shut it doors on the printed version after over 108 years in circulation.

Editor & Publisher is an American journal that reports on the “Print Journalism” industry. Sadly it looks like the publication that reports on other publications is going. With many other USA Newspapers and Magazines going bust in the past 18 months, its not long before we have to look at our print industry here in Ireland.

The Irish Press is now long gone and in fact I doubt any teenager would even know the name, they might if they listened in History class all right. But if we stay on that thought about teenagers and information we must think about where would they look for news and information these days.

Have a guess?

They’d buy their local regional news paper,  . . . don’t think so, they won’t be interested in the courts reports or the kids photos of the latest stage show. They would search online. How do I know . . . because I ask questions and over the past few weeks we have had a number of students from local community schools in the South East in on work experience. We interrogated them on their how they communicate, chat, text, email each other. One student then took out his iphone and logged into his own website and was able to update it as we were chatting!

The 90’s were about getting connected to the Internet, (In Ireland is was indigo.ie pushing the dial up connections)

The 2000’s have been about search engines battling for supremacy to be set up as their homepage.

2010 will be about “content” and online journalism, so if you are in the print industry. I would suggest you do what I did 10 years ago and get your content online. Over 1,000 people a week read this column or the online word for it . . . Blog

To help get your business online call Dave Jordan of Cada Media Ltd to day on 053 9430748

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