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Website Reviews 2010

We would like to mention to our clients and for people looking to have their website reviewed or redesigned this year to please take in mind that we will need to notice before you wish to have the website worked on.

Website Reviews

Sitting down and going through your site stats, the links in and the general traffic of a website can take a number of hours, then its time to plan the future of the site and the type of traffic you wish to bring in. There are many factors to be considered and looked at.

To this end, I would like to ask you to please make an appointment or email us as we can not just drop everything and look at your request. We have commitments we have made from November and December and they must be looked at first.

January is a great time of the year to look at how you are promoting your business as so is September when the kids go back to school.

If you are an existing client then email me directly and we will schedule in an appointment and if you are a potential new client give me a quick call and I can arrange an appointment for you to come in to discuss you needs.

I dont mean to put anyone off getting in touch, but rather am just trying to be realistic, we can’t get a phone call on Tuesday and deliver a new website to you on the Friday,  not when we have 14 others already being programmed.

Thanks and sorry about the Rant ! Dave Jordan 053 9430748

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