BT taken over by Vodafone
Great news for some, hassle and agro for others!
If you are a BT broadband customers and you have found that you can not send emails since last week it might be due to the new settings that you will have to make to your our going server in your email program. It’s not us who changed these, its the Internet service provider themselves.
That is the new out going mail server for the BT/Vodafone broadband customers. I wonder did BT or vodafone tell anyone or just put an advert in the Nationals about this. Only because we get about 1 call per day asking why they can’t send emails and when I explain they usually laugh and suggest that they would have received some notifuication about it.
Well I’m telling ye!
If you can not send emails, double check with your IPS, Internet Service Provider as they have setting they need you to have on your PC in order to send emails.