"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Cloud Camp Dublin

Just a quick word to say thatnks to everyone in organising the CloudCamp in Dublin this week. A great event covering fantastic topics from database archituecture in the Cloud, Data Protection, Storage and many more. These type of events are great for business networking and helping each business involved in designing web applications of the future.

Cada Media Ltd were there to put their foot in the door of this emerging technology that is sweeping across the country. Not only the large multinationals can use the scalability of Cloud Computing but in fact we are being asked all the time about the use of Cloud for small businesses in rural ireland.

Last week we were contact by two local businesses who are shutting down their in house Windows servers and looking at getting a dedicated hosted web server that will host their emails, office files and their office software in general.

This is where Cada Media come into the picture, we are working with these type of business in helping them choose the right platform to host their company data and applications.

Well done to all involved.

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