"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

iphone barbeque Apps

The good weather over the past weekend brought more than the usual weekend activities of mowing, sawing and hammering in suburbia. It became the bar be que capital of world with every butcher being sold out of anything that slips between the grill and ends up on the hot coals.

Conversations came in many forms, but one that we noticed was common to many a few were started when a ring tone was heard and then a smart phone was produced with a slow motion effect to make sure all saw the new “12MT4” model phone was on display. Ah I see you have the blah blah make of phone . . . . So what apps do you have installed?

Ours Apps, are who we are!

It’s great to see so many and may I just point out that these are not “techy friends” these are everyday ordinary people in Ireland from sales, banking, civil servants, library staff to myself web development.

The apps ranged from Wing Guru for the sailors, social media for chatter boxes especially Facebook, Twitter, linkedIn and then it moved to apps that suited each persons Job or sport.

Property sites such as MyHome and Daft are also were high on peoples lists and just to really look at these in detail, I also asked what screen people had their apps. If you have a smartphone you will know what I mean.

We found that many people sort their apps into categories on the phone, social, tools, referrence in that order!

If you have an App story we would be delighted to hear about it.

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