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Hollywood Community Website

Hollywood Centre

We are delighted to launching this new exciting website that we hope will bring a rural community even closer together in this close-nit and friendly part oc Co. Wicklow.

Community Website

One of the big things we discovered about the Hollywood Centre whilst in the process of developing this website and meeting the people involved was that this centre really is in the “Center” of everything that goes on in this West Wicklow village. They have events running through out the year that cater for everybody’s needs from Yoga to childcare services.

It’s an amazing place that we are so proud to be associated to an organisation that brings the entire community together and we hope that this new website will enable them to communicate their services and events easier.

The site is built using “content Management software and allows them to update their Calendar of Events, staff Rota as well as keep all the pages of the website fresh with all the current of what’s happening in the centre on a daily basis.

I would like to wish the staff of Hollywood Centre the best of luck with the new website.

Services Provided:

  • Domain name registration
  • Website hosting
  • Website Design
  • Website Marketing
  • Training


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