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Business Startup Expo

I am working with a number of business people in North Wexford/ South Wicklow and we have organised a Business Expo with a difference to take place on the 24th of February 2011. The business Expo will be about 25 businesses in the area that help start up companies get up and running.

We have put together a competition to run along with the Expo in the style of a Dragon’s Den. The prize will be €10,000 worth of services and products from the members of our group. The group is the Falcon Chapter of Business Networking International, BNI Gorey.

We are a group of business people in the area that are working together to help promote our companies and gain more business for each other and the people who are involved with us.

The Expo is not a new idea, but holding this in-conjunction with a competition for a new start up business will help us help a new business in the area.

More information will be available on www.bnigorey.com this week and entrants will be able to apply on-line and get a chance of winning the top prize.

By the way, this is FREE of Charge !!!!

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