"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Building your online Reputation?

This is a question we get asked all the time, telephone calls come into the office asking how a business get get higher in Google or how they can come up for various searches. Well the answer is not simple, but following a few simple step can help.

Start off by  . .

Keeping your domain name registered. Sounds simple but often is neglected and put on the long finger as its only a few euros and can end up costing you thousands in a marketing spend to get listed again.


Because search engines do not wish to display old or expired websites, therefore as part of their algorithm they exclude expired domain names. Think about it, with the amount of businesses gone out of business in the past 3 years in Ireland, if they didn’t every-time we did a search we would get an error “Page not found”. The web would come to a halt.

Pushed Out of Google !

We have found that it can take as little as 4 to 5 days for Google to remove a business from it’s listing! So if you have a business and are looking to get ranked higher, do the simple things, renew your domain name!

For more helpful tips on how to grow your business online call Dave Jordan of Cada Media Ltd 053 9430748

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