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Plant Hire in Wexford Website

Today’s mini website is for a Plant hire business based in Enniscorthy called Dempsey Plant Hire. They are a family business with tonnes of experiences in the construction and building industry (Yes,  the pun was intended!) We have created a mini website to help them get their first foot on the Internet ladder. Often when a business is moving online they will take smaller steps as they are unsure of the pros and cons of being on-line.

This small site allows the Dempsey Plant Hire business to be found online and contacted. The site consists of only 3 pages, A homepage, a contact form and and acknowledgement page. Though small the site gets the point across that these guys are involved in Foundations, drainage, sub floors, footpaths as-well as concrete work and have machines from 3 tonne to 21 tonne available.

Services Provided

  • Domain Name Registration
  • Website hosting
  • Mini Web Design


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