"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Sending out Reminder Notices?

I would just like to reminder our own customers, that when you receive a renewal invoice for our services including:

  • Spam Filtering
  • Domain Names
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Marketing
  • Maintenance
  • Support
  • Priority Support

Please remember that as this is the Notice of Reminder for the services we provide you. The invoice would be an annual fee that you have accounted for as a recurring costs to running the business. I would suggest making it a priority on your accounting system or a large post it in front of you for future reference.

Unless you have a signed agreement with ourselves to be on a direct debit system, we simply issue the renewal invoice and wait for payment, if payment is not received then the services are not renewed.

38% Costs Reduction

This year we have continued to reduce recurring costs for our clients and at the same time investing in better and faster hosting services. The knock on effect is that we can no longer have a fleet of staff telephoning you to remind you about YOUR domain name and other services we provide you. Remember it’s YOUR domain, take pride in it, use it, be proud of your business name. Even though its only usually a small recurring costs, its has great value to you and your customers.

So if you are a domain owner or a business owner and you want to stay on top of your industry, remember the little things all add up to better business. Start with small recurring costs that are important.

Call dave on 053 9430748 for more details

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