"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Geting Your Business Online Workshop

This is great to see. So many enterprise boards around Ireland pushing to get businesses online. It’s astonishing how few businesses still dont have a website or a website presence.

If you are in the market for a website then why not get a FREE one from the website listed or by making an appointment with these guys and take part in their workshop.

Attend a 1/2 day workshop and learn how to create your own website in just 30 minutes

Wednesday 29th June, 2pm to 5pm
Westgate Computer Centre, Wexford
Fee: €25

Getting Irish Business Onlinewww.gettingbusinessonline.ie is a partnership between Google, Blacknight Internet Solutions, An Post and the County & City Enterprise Boards and is targeting the 40% of Irish SMEs including sole traders that do not have a website or an online presence. The campaign is calling on all businesses that do not have a website to log on to www.gettingbusinessonline.ie where they can create their own business website for free.

Click here to register for the workshop or to find out more


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