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Granite Worktops in Ireland

We have just launched a new website for an established business here in Wexford. Wells Granite & Marble Ltd are one of the top suppliers of Granite worktops in the South East. We received a phone call and after some discussion about our services we called out onsite to meet Lisa and her team. An impressive purpose built factory just a few miles south of Gorey, Co. Wexford.

Revamp our website.

One of the main issues of their existing site was that it could not be updated by themselves, it also couldn’t be updated by anyone else other than the original creator of the site, due to the way it was made. They were totally stuck as it also didnt appear correctly in a modern browser. The entire site was about the size of a match box if viewed in Firefox, Chrome or IE9!

Time for change

Not only was the old site unusable in certain browsers, but also the hosting company no longer was in a position for give them support due to a change in business direction for them. They were left out on a limb. Cada Media were able to provide them with a one-stop-shop for their entire Internet needs.

The new site is a fully content managed website allowing them the ability to update the text and images on the site.

We would like to wish Lisa and her team at Wells Granite & Marble the very best with the new site.

Services Provided:

  • Domain Management
  • Website Hosting
  • Website Design
  • Website Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Links Building
  • Training




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