"The Web is Everywhere,
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Nursing Homes in Enniscorthy

screengrabWe were recommended to the owners of a Nursing Home in Enniscorthy to create a website for their business. They are actually one of the first nursing homes in the county and the buildings were purpose-built. We set up a meeting and put a plan in place to create a website. Running through the various options and steps involved, such as securing a domain name, gathering the content and providing website hosting.

We engaged the services of John Timmons of  JT Photography to best capture the nursing home and its surroundings. Being the start of January I thought I was giving him a difficult task, but the combination of the two worked well together. A lovely place and someone who knows what angle to take a photo from.

We the photos ready we worked with the owners to put together a website with their words and john’s images to create the website. Its a brochure style website that is content managed and thus giving the owners full control over the content and the ability to edit text and changes things on the site.

We finalised the layout with the owners and put the site live. After that we submitted it to the various search engines and went about our work on the link building and creating inward bound links to the site. Without this phase of the project the website would never get found !

We wish them the very best with their website and continued success with the business.


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