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Edmund Burke Institute Website Revamp

edmundburke-screenOften we get asked to help existing websites and give them an overhaul. In this case it was a project to work in tandem with the sites existing webmaster. We met up with Richard Miller who is involved with the site and discussed the possibilities that the  were available with use of Content Management Software(CMS).

Richard and I set about putting together and plan for the new site and how best to take the content from the previous HTML version to the new CMS website. With the plan in place we then set about with bringing our new Webmaster student to a new level of web authoring and teaching Richard the ins and outs of the chosen platform. In this case we choose WordPress as that suited his needs and skills set.

The user interface and easy of use soon had Richard hooked and the training turned into a pleasure as he got the hang of it very quickly and I can say, “Enjoyed” the sessions and he could really see how he could develop the site from here on in.

I’d like to wish him the very best with the site in the future.


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