"The Web is Everywhere,
Be Part of it !"

Architects in Wexford

new websiteWe were approached by a local architect to revamp their website. They had a website already, but were looking for something new, something different, so we met with them at their offices in Gorey in Co. Wexford.

Working with other “designers” can be a challenge as there are always restrictions or boundaries in every area of design. We listened closely to Michael Molloy of Molloy Architects & Design Studio to give them a website that would show off their own innovative creations when it comes to designing buildings.

Our design needed to

  • Fit in with modern family  life.
  • Be something the owners could live with.
  • Stand up to modern regulations.
  • Be easy to use everyday.

These may sound like design specification for a house, but it applies to websites too. So we have to accommodate many factors into a new modern website too. Micheal also understands that modern life means modern methods of construction and so the new website is fully mobile device friendly and also works well on tablet as we as standard pc’s and laptops.

Services include:

  • Domain Name Management
  • Website Hosting
  • Email processing
  • Web Redesign
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Google indexing
  • Web Marketing

Best wishes for the business and we wish Mick & Sheila continued success with the company.


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