Why use open source?
http://www.opensource.org/ is a website to promote the use of open source software and is an initiative that Cada Media Ltd have long been advocates of even since I was working as a programmer in Dublin in the Mid 90’s. Back then one of our team, a Russian guy called kyrill was asking the management to […]
Content Management Software
There are many different types of content management software including paid software off the shelf, licenced software you pay for on a monthly basis or annual basis. We use one called open source, where the application is free to use and we use these for many reasons, but mostly to reduce the costs for the […]
Starting an Online Business – Gorey Chamber of Commerce
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend tonight’s talk given by local lad, Grant Masterson from Wreckless Skate Board Shop here in Gorey Co. Wexford. I first met Grant when he was working for Webdream Solutions next door door to our own office on John Street in Gorey too. Webdream are a website design and […]
Do people still use Microsoft Office?
I know I harp on about open source, but really are people listening , Denmark dumps Microsoft Another government department is starting to use open source, http://politiken.dk/newsinenglish/article890196.ece Now County Council’s in Ireland, are you listening? Anyone, anyone , Beauler, Beauler, Fry, Fry . . .