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Google SEO – Search Engine Optimization – 15 years later?

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In June 2008, just over 15 years ago I wrote a small piece about Search Engines and what they are looking for in Good Website Design. The good design should have search engine optimisation at its heart. This was one post from back in the day and it is still valid today. Recently we got […]

How to get to the top of Google?

black samsung tablet display google browser on screen

Google’s listing, How do they work? We have had a number of inquiries from companies this week asking us to help them get on top of Google.  It’s interesting to see how the “recession in the building trade” has pushed into many other aspects of life in Ireland. One inquiry today asked if we could […]

Matt Cutts from Google interviewed.

Matt Cutts from Google was interviewed in Las Vagas at the PubCon show recently and he pointed out a number of changes that are going to be happening in Google in the new year. He talked about the user experience gaining in priority and that a move towards personalisation is very important. Meaning that the […]

Good web copy / Sitemaps / Landing page?

Create search engine friendly content, gone are the days of inserting paragraphs of keywords to fool search engines into thinking the content o fhtat page was abut that topic. Now they know the difference and will in fact penalise you for doing so (told ye!) Write for people, knowing that search engines will be reading […]

Domain name expiring – SEO

And while i’m on the subject of domain names expiring, just to let you know that when a domain name expires and the search engine bots try to index the site and finds that the information it had yesterday is gone and now there are Google Ads on the site for your competirors. From then […]