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Cost over €1,000 to change the “Who is” information.

I want to let companies and business know that if a so called “Web Expert” tell you it will cost over €1,000 to change the who is information, it is robbery. Stop and call us asap. We have had situations whereby we have worked on cases for clients that the previous website designer had registered the domain name in the wrong name and when the company in later years wanted to move to another web developer that they were asked to hand over payment of over €1,000

The internet company had registed the domain name in the wrong name and said they “owned” the name. It’s like asking a solicitor to buy a site for you. Then you build a house and live there happily. Years later you decide to sell up and move on, but only to get told that you can’t sell as technically the land belongs to the solicitor still. Then you have to pay him/her off to gets the deeds.

This is exactly what happened to one of our clients.

Please Please Please, be warned, there are sharks out there in every business, do you homework, research, ask the right questions, Who owns the domain name, is it a .com or a .ie.

If it’s a “.ie” then your in a better chance of getting your hands on it, If its a “.com” good luck tracking down the company in america where it was originally bought.

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