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Tech Check – Wexford County Enterprise Board

What is Tech-Check?

Tech-Check is a new programme where small businesses can access independent expert advice on the most effective use of their existing technology as well as practical suggestions for appropriate development of technology use in their businesses.

Is this just about computers?
No. It is primarily about your business and how it can be improved using all sorts of technology. Computers are important of course but so are other kinds of information technology. These days, the internet also represents a huge area of opportunity for business development.

How does it work?
A Mentor is assigned to your business and will arrange to visit you. The mentor will get to know what your business is about and what your overall plans are for its development. Together, you and your mentor will examine your existing technology using a diagnostic tool (basically a type of questionnaire) to identify opportunities for improving your business. This is used to develop a brief action plan based on the best of these opportunities.

Who is it for?
TechCheck is for every small business no matter what sector it operates in. Whether your business is a completely technology-free zone or is already using the best and newest technology, there is always a benefit in reviewing where you are now and planning where you wan to go next. There is no business that can not benefit from this service.

What do I get out of it?
• Probably the most valuable benefit is the advice of the mentor as he works through the process with you.

• The end result of the exercise is a basic written plan for the improvement of your business using technology. It will be given to you in writing and in electronic format. You can develop this plan further and even incorporate it into your main business plan.

• The process of reviewing every aspect of technology as it applies to your business can be very enlightening in itself.

How long does it take?
For most businesses, the process can be completed within a day. This can be split into two half-day sessions. Breaking it down further is not a good idea because momentum is lost and costs are increased.

How much does it cost
The standard fee is €150.
This price is very heavily subsidised by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and represents only a fraction of the actual cost of the service.

I want it. What do I do next?
Contact Tom Banville on 053-9122965 or tom@wexfordceb.ie or more infomration or download the application form from www.wexfordceb.ie

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